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Embark on a transformative journey with Mama-cook, where each meal becomes a mindful celebration, harmonizing body, mind, and spirit in a nurturing dance of flavors and gratitude, seamlessly integrated into the immersive experiences of Mama-meditation and Mama-move.
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Cooking at Home


  • "Mama-cook" is a mindful and nurturing approach to eating that revolves around the principles of Mama-move and Mama-meditation. It encourages a conscious connection with the food we consume, fostering a harmonious relationship between body, mind, and the universal energy represented by Mama.

  • In Mama-cook, each meal becomes a dance of flavors, textures, and gratitude, aligning the body with its natural state of well-being. This mindful eating practice, guided by Mama's essence, promotes not only physical nourishment but also a sense of balance and resilience. It's a celebration of the nurturing connection between individuals and the universal forces present in every bite.

  • Embarking on the profound journey of Mama-meditation envelops you in its transformative embrace, a voyage that gracefully unfolds over the course of a full day. Meanwhile, the rhythmic dance of Mama-move extends its nurturing arms across three days, guiding the body through gentle realignment and fluid movements. As for Mama-cook, it intricately intertwines itself into the educational fabric of either Mama-meditation or Mama-move, becoming an essential part of the learning experience.

Image by Wilhelm Gunkel

Mama-cook Study Immersion

  • Mama-cook into the enchanting flow of Mama extends its captivating embrace, inviting participants to explore the transformative journey further. This extended immersion allows the tapestry of well-being to unfold gradually and gracefully, offering a comprehensive training experience ranging from one-day to a weekend and culminating in a one-week course. 

  • Mama-cook seamlessly integrates into the learning process of either Mama-meditation or Mama-move.

  • Remarkably, the enchanting rhythm of Mama-flow defies a specific training period, naturally manifesting during the assimilation of Mama-meditation, Mama-move, and Mama-cook. It symbolizes the harmonious synthesis of these practices, providing a profound pathway to well-being.


Good to Know

Eating Salad
  • Nourishes mind, body & spirit: Mama-cook fosters a holistic connection, nurturing not just the body but also the mind and spirit through mindful eating practices.
  • Promotes harmony: by aligning with the principles of Mama-move and Mama-meditation, mama-cook encourages a harmonious relationship between individuals and the universal energies present in every bite.
  • Enhances well-being: enjoying each meal as a celebration of flavors and textures promotes a sense of well-being, fostering gratitude and balance in daily life.
  • Builds resilience: mindful eating with Mama-cook cultivates resilience, helping individuals adapt to life's challenges with greater ease and grace.
  • Deepens awareness: practicing Mama-cook heightens awareness of food choices and their impact, empowering individuals to make nourishing decisions that support their overall health.
  • Fosters connection: sharing meals prepared with mama-cook's mindful approach strengthens connections with loved ones, fostering a sense of community and belonging.
Eating Sushi
  • The target audience for Mama-cook includes individuals seeking to cultivate a deeper connection with their food and overall well-being. This may include health-conscious individuals, wellness enthusiasts, those interested in mindful eating practices, and anyone looking to enhance their relationship with food while promoting balance and harmony in their lives.

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